Rewards from credit cards

Q: You have a fatwa on your website that states using rewards from credit card companies is impermissible (ebucks); is using rewards from a departmental store the same thing if they give you 15% discount when you purchase their products on their credit card? Does it make a difference if the actual funding of the credit card is done through a separate financial institution?

A: If the store one purchases from also provides loans (via credit cards, etc.) and attaches the condition that the one that purchases from their store via their credit card will receive discounts on their purchases, then since the discount obtained is on account of the loan, it will be riba (interest) and hence not permissible.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

Q: Will a similar discount received by using a debit card be permissible as there is no loan?

A: The rewards one receives from the bank through using one's debit card is in actual fact in lieu of the loan one had given to the bank. Hence since this enters under the definition of riba, it will not be permissible.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

لأن الربا هو الفضل المستحق لأحد المتعاقدين في المعاوضة الخالي عن عوض شرط فيه (هداية 3/78)

المادة 43 - المعروف عرفا كالمشروط شرطا - أي المعروف المعتاد بين الناس، وإن لم يذكر صريحا، فهو بمنزلة الصريح، لدلالة العرف عليه (شرح المجلة 1/100)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

Q: If the bank balance is zero or even negative i.e debit balance, a person will still receive these points in full on purchases, so how does Mufti Saheb conclude that the points granted is based on the loan given when there is no apparent correlation between them?

A: The ta'reef of riba is any extra preconditioned benefit which is not in lieu of anything irrespective of whether the benefit was reserved for the one accepting the loan or for the one giving the loan. Since the bank's operation is a riba based operation and they have announced to all those who deal with them that whoever deals with us will be entitled to these extra free benefits (i.e. in the case where you give us a loan or where we give you a loan, you will be entitled to these benefits). Hence this benefit enters under riba and it is impermissible for one to accept this benefit.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

لأن الربا هو الفضل المستحق لأحد المتعاقدين في المعاوضة الخالي عن عوض شرط فيه (هداية 3/78)

الربا فضل خال عن عوض شرط لأحد المتعاقدين في المعاوضة (فتح باب العناية بشرح النقاية 2/355)

باب الربا هو لغة: مطلق الزيادة وشرعا (فضل) ... (خال عن عوض) ... (بمعيار شرعي) ... (مشروط) ذلك الفضل (لأحد المتعاقدين) أي بائع أو مشتر ... (في المعاوضة)

قال الشامي: (قوله أي بائع أو مشتر) أي مثلا فمثلهما المقرضان والراهنان قهستاني قال: ويدخل فيه ما إذا شرط الانتفاع بالرهن كالاستخدام والركوب والزراعة واللبس وشرب اللبن وأكل الثمر فإن الكل ربا حرام كما في الجواهر والنتف. (رد المحتار مع الدر المختار 5/168-170)

" كل قرض جر منفعة فهو وجه من وجوه الربا " موقوف . السنن الكبرى للبيهقي

المادة 43 - المعروف عرفا كالمشروط شرطا - أي المعروف المعتاد بين الناس، وإن لم يذكر صريحا، فهو بمنزلة الصريح، لدلالة العرف عليه (شرح المجلة 1/100)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)